Fresh Arts and Arts District Houston’s 2020 Mural open call.
Houston’s Fresh Arts and Arts District Houston have announced a $10,000 open call for a large-scale outdoor mural. Open to local artists or artist teams, three will be shortlisted through a Request for Qualifications process for the mural, which will be located on the northeast corner of Winter Street Studios at Sawyer Yards. The three artists/teams will receive a $400 proposal stipend, and one artist or team will be chosen for the $10,000 mural commission.
The former 1,800 sq. ft. furniture factory building now hosts 75 art studios for more than 87 artists in Houston’s First Ward neighborhood. Proposed murals should reflect the First Ward, using local history to “evoke a creative, uplifting feeling that 1) encourages community and 2) celebrates the spirit of the neighborhood.” Arts District Houston will provide historical reference materials and research guidance related to the rail lines near the building. Murals must include Arts District Houston’s motto, “Art is in the Making.”
Three artists will be invited through the Request for Qualifications process to submit design-specific proposals and receive a $400 proposal stipend. One artist will be chosen based on their proposal. Payment to the commissioned artist is $10,000.
Regarding the budget, Fresh Arts and Arts District Houston stipulated the following:
Project budget will be inclusive of all costs associated with the artworks, including, but not limited to, artist design fee, materials, installation labor, rentals, travel to and from the site, shipping, per diem expenses, project documentation, commercial liability insurance, and contingency to cover unexpected expenses.
Before applying, all artist must complete a profile in the Fresh Arts Artist Registry for Houston-area creatives here.
Application deadline is November 8. To apply, please go here.