Texans For The Arts (TFA).
Texans for the Arts (TFA), “a statewide arts advocacy organization that organizes advocacy efforts in order to protect and increase public and private funding for the arts,” is urging Texas art organizations to participate in an Americans For the Arts survey (AFA) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The five-minute survey by the AFA is ongoing. It is thus far reporting that 91% of responding arts organizations have canceled one or more events, among closures and other losses. The survey also reports that more than one-third of respondents expect to make reductions in staff, and 26% have already reduced their creative workforce, resulting in $3.2 billion in actual revenue losses to date.
The TFA has also created a COVID-19 Resource Page to help with artists’ and organizations’ immediate needs. Organizations can also add to this list by emailing the TFA here.
A statement from Ann S. Graham, Executive Director for TFA, reads in part:
“The Hotel Occupancy Tax, which we work so hard to protect for arts funding, has suffered due to the collapse of tourism and a drop in overnight hotel stays and it is clear that there will be negative long term funding implications for the arts sector. However, we will be at-the-table when tourism starts to pick up with the strong message that the arts are part of the solution! We understand that these times are unprecedented and that the arts community all across the State is mobilizing to face some of its greatest challenges to date. Texans for the Arts will remain vigilant, proactive and responsive to this crisis and the challenges it poses.”
For more on the Texans for the Arts organization and the survey, please visit its website here.