A view of Francesca Fuchs’ recent show at Talley Dunn Gallery in Dallas. We wanted to see a whole video walkthrough of the show. Let’s make these happen!
Glasstire is asking commercial galleries, nonprofits and artist-run spaces across the state of Texas to send us video walk-throughs of your current exhibitions! Please shoot a video on your phone or camera (horizontal, please), no more than five minutes long, and get it to us via email (email us the file or a file transfer link so we can download the file). We will post these videos on Glasstire’s homepage as part of a new series titled Five-Minute Tours. We will add a simple intro-outro to the video, upload it to our YouTube channel (and get it up on Glasstire’s homepage). Feel free to make it as serious or as fun as you’d like.
Ideas: slow pans of the entire exhibition, plus a curator, gallerist, or artist describing the show, and perhaps highlighting a few key pieces. We’ll roll this out as a pilot program within days and we’ll keep it going for as long at the COVOD-19 situation persists. For more inspiration, see recent Five-Minute Tour walkthroughs from FWCAC, ICOSA, and UT Permian Basin, and (not to intimidate you) Hillerbrand+Magsamen at Heidi Vaughan in Houston.
More tips and tricks for making your tour a video you’d want to watch can be found here, and in the video embedded at the bottom of this page.
Our updating section of Five-Minute Tours is here.
(Send us one file, whenever possible, and please keep them at five minutes or shorter. We cannot download video you’ve uploaded to your own Youtube or Vimeo; instead try getting it to us via google drive, wetransfer, dropbox, hightail, or similar.)
Email your submissions to [email protected]. In the body of your email, please include the below information about the exhibition or event:
– Opening date
– Closing date
– Artist(s) names (in a list, separated by commas. I.e. “Joe Smith, Bob Green, Steven Jones”)
– Exhibit/event title
– Venue name, address, phone & website
– A brief description of the exhibition/event
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your shows! Stay safe.
Thank you for providing this opportunity.
My exhibit “The Scape of Color” is at a new Gallery Ellio fine Art, 3201 Allen Parkway #180,
Houston TX 77019
The first video is of the show that is up now. I know someone from the gallery sent this about 2 weeks ago to you. I’m not sure why it never appeared on your website. I’m a woman born and raised in Texas who has been painting for 50 years.
congratulations joan! BTW the cargill video is fantastic and i am more than honored to a part of that documentary. thank you for doing it!
I uploaded a video which you should have by now via “Wetransfer”. “Fall Into Art” is a place where various artist set up their booths to display their art. It takes place in New Braunfels, Texas.
Thank you, Glasstire, for allowing me to show the video of my 30 year retrospective “Dreaming on the Side” in San Antonio. The show has come down but I am happy with the turn out and glad to still be in the mix. With regards, JOAN FREDERICK (Blue Star, Space 147, San Antonio TX)