Core Program residents for the 2017–18 year, top left to bottom right: Devin Kenny, Elizabeth Webb, Yue Nakayama, Ruslana Lichtzier, Shana Hoehn, Kate Green, Maria Bang Espersen, Zuqiang Peng, Felipe Steinberg, Laura Wellen
Applications are now open for the Core residency program at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. During the nine-month residency, the program’s artists have the opportunity to meet visiting curators, lecturers, and other artists from across the world. Fellows also participate in a yearlong seminar featuring talks and conversations that center around their interests.
Although the residency is technically only nine-months long, many residents apply and are accepted for a second year. In addition to biweekly meetings and seminars and Thursday evening lectures, the program offers participants a “$17,500 stipend, 24-hour access to a private studio or office, and borrowing privileges at the Museum’s Hirsch Library and Rice University’s Fondren Library.”
Applications for the 2018–19 year are due on April 1, 2018. Watch the video below for more information about the Core program and to learn why Glasstire named it one of the top five artist residencies in Texas.