Last month marked the one year anniversary of my heart transplant. This chapter, and indeed, this entire comic is dedicated to all the many people in the art community in Houston and beyond who helped me through this experience. Thank you so much.
[Read Chapter 1 here and Chapter 2 here. Click the image below to view as a larger slideshow.]
Michael Bise is an artist living in Houston. He has chosen 2013 as the year he has decided to leave the 19th century. He gave up his flip phone on Christmas and can be found at or on Facebook.
The professional standing of doctors and lawyers can be safely deduced from the size of their Remington bronzes. But make sure to tap with fingernail to check for ceramic.
Also, as an Irish man with big toes I sympathize. I had a lady friend tell me once that I was ‘small enough for the back door.’ Gee, thanks. Of course that pales in comparison to your plight (I’m talking about the fanny pack). Rooting for you, anyhow. I’ll be celebrating this valentine’s with my cat and counting my blessings.
Happy Valentine, and speechless