Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has made another of his periodic stabs at art criticism, grabbing a little media attention (like this, sigh) for dunking a photograph of President Obama in a yellow fluid he called “pee-pee.” He also shrugs at a tiny reproduction of a Pollack, but without the crazed self-righteousness that sometimes make tirades like this entertaining.
Meanwhile, Simon Doonan of lists eight reasons “Why the Artworld is so Loathesome,” citing the usuals: trendy, frivolously transgressive, whoring out to fashion, skill-less, craft-less (this is a separate heading?), short attention span, too much money and too much cool, but admits that “while we wait for the art world to change direction and seek out a more meaningful place in our lives, there are no shortage of chuckles to be had. The landscape of art has never been more vast or intriguingly bonkers.”