According to independent student newspaper The Houstonian, Tony Shipp, longtime chair of the Sam Houston State University Art Department in Huntsville will be stepping down on August 31. Citing a difference in “vision of what can be encompassed in an outstanding Department of Art,” Roberta Sloan, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication announced the change in an email to art department staff. The Houstonian further reports that in “In May 2003, a federal lawsuit was brought against the university. Gary and Jasmine Graybill, former art faculty members, alleged that Shipp created a hostile work environment through sexual harassment and retaliation.” The suit was partially upheld on January 9, with a federal judge ruling that although the charges of sexual harassment were dismissed, the university must respond to the charges of retaliation. “Shipp’s stepping down as chair as absolutely nothing to do with his litigation issues,” Sloan said.