Glass Houses 18: Margaret Meehan and Noah Simblist

by Everett Taasevigen March 20, 2010
A mandala with text around the edges.
Rolando Briseño, "Chile Mandala," 1995, ground chile on napkin, 19 x 20 inches
Three faces drawn on an African cloth face each other.
Rolando Briseño "Piri Piri," 1997, acrylic and chile on African cloth, 16 x 24 inches

Margaret Meehan and Noah Simblist are possibly the two most
compassionate people I have ever met. The married couple are both
artists and recently moved from Dallas to Fort Worth where they live in a lovely bungalow that also incorporates their studio space.
Meehan’s work embraces issues dealing with medical anomalies, exploring
the qualities of what some might call freaks.  In Simblist’s work, the
artist calls attention to the intolerance and injustice of the
demolishing of Palestinian homes in the Israeli-occupied


Everett Taasevigen
is a Houston photographer.

Also by Everett Taasevigen:

Glass Houses 17: Shamrock Hotel Studios

Glasshouses 16: Gary Sweeney

Glass Houses 15: Lauren Kelley

Glass Houses 14: Margarita Cabrera

Glass Houses 13: Hana Hillerova

Glass Houses 12: Leslie Wilkes

Glass Houses 11: Julie Speed

Glass Houses 10: Bert Long

Glass Houses 9: Steve Brudniak

Glass Houses 8: David Aylsworth

Glass Houses 7: Jill Pangallo

Glass Houses 6: Nestor Topchy


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