October 8 - 29, 2022
“Living Beyond Your Means
DKULTRA is pleased to announce the exhibition of Living Beyond Your Means with artworks by John Forse. The exhibition includes several digital prints on canvas, in addition to collages and ephemera.
John Forse’s artworks are filled with the anxiety of perpetually living online, staring at screens, and endlessly copying and pasting digital detritus. John Forse’s images are teetering and scattered, there is no horizon, It is a free falling anti-paradise. These are low depth fields which amass a vibrant jumble of layers, colors, texts, and images. Merrily welcome the specious resemblance to magazines, it will draw you into the beguiling disaster.
more JPGs,
more GIFs,
more pilfered cannabis and ersatz bongs.
more “exciting, but wasteful hobbies”,
more “mortgaging your future”,
more alluring insolvency and vivid wreckage.
More more more
Please join us for the opening reception for Living Beyond Your Means on October 8
from 5 pm to 8 pm.
The exhibition will be available to view by appointment October 9th – 29th
@ Ruth Street Projects
2206 Ruth St
Houston, Texas 77004
[email protected]
Instagram: DKULTRA @d_k_ultra and Ruth Street Projects @ruth_street_projects”
Reception: October 8, 2022 | 5–8 pm
2206 Ruth Street
Houston, 77004 Texas
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