Traditionally, a luminaria is a Christmas lanterns consisting of a votive candle set in a small paper bag weighted with sand and typically placed along a driveway, sidewalk, or rooftop as a holiday decorations. But since 2008, San Antonio has raised the stakes by presenting its weekend Luminaria Contemporary Art Festival.
The multimedia festival will hold a variety of activities in the Hemisfair area on November 9 – 11. The really big night, though, is Saturday. This year’s free after-dark contemporary arts festival will take place on November 10, 7pm – midnight. There will be tons of artists and performers. For the full performance schedule, go here.
The festival is also kid-friendly (for late night kids). During Luminaria’s after-dark festival in Hemisfair, families can pick up a “passport” stamp book from any Info Booth that will lead them to specific artworks throughout the festival. A completed passport may be entered for a chance to win prizes. And Sunday is Community Arts Day with art demos and different art-making workshops, and also an an artist brunch series. The festivities cap off with a closing performance at the city’s Mission San Jose.