Jim Love’s Call Ernie
The Houston Airport System has been a longtime supporter and collector of established and emerging artists from across Texas. William P. Hobby Airport alone has large-scale installations by Chris Sauter, Libbie J. Masterson, Shane Allbritton + Norman Lee (RE:site), and Christian Eckart, in addition to portable works by Michael Bise, JooYoung Choi, and Lucas Johnson, among many more. If you want to know more about the collection, Glasstire recently shot a Top Five with Houston Airport System Curator Tommy Gregory—to see that, go here.
Last month, the Houston Arts Alliance put out an open call for three-dimensional works to be added to the airport’s collection and displayed in Hobby’s new Southwest Airlines International Terminal. Specifically, the call is seeking works that “help to celebrate the international character” of the new terminal—Southwest is offering flights to Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. The call is open to Houston-based artists and galleries, and the deadline is set for August 12.
For more information on the call, go here.