Looking for something to do with out-of-town visitors? Houston’s notsuoH has you covered. It’s Performance Art Night at owner/artist Jim Pirtle’s art bar. (And we don’t use that term in any sort of trendy, gentrified way—it’s just booze; it’s just art. No one can package this openhearted, semi-seedy scene.)
Tonight’s performers will be Sandy Ewen, Eric Thayer and Elise Weber, Amanda Gregory, Scott Gregory, Emily Whittemore, Evan McCarley, Andrew DiMatteo, CAT SCOTT, Raindawg Celestina B-Sizzle, Jeremiah Carroll, Gee Okonkwo, Jennifer Free, and Clockpole.
After tonight’s outing, perhaps no one will ever ask to crash at your place again. Or maybe they’ll decide to move in with you.