Watch Glasstire’s editors Christina Rees and Bill Davenport discuss the week’s lumpiest art events in Texas, and Jason Moran. Or, if you can’t take your lumps, just read the list here:
1. The Rauschenberg Project: Holed Up
Conversation with Moran and Pruitt: Feb 5, 7-8:30pm at the Menil Collection, Houston
Premiere: February 7, 8–10 pm at the Cullen theater, Worthham Center, Houston
The world premiere of a new multimedia work by acclaimed, Houston-born Jazz pianist and composer Jason Moran, inspired by the work of artist Robert Rauschenberg. Moran and his group the Bandwagon will be joined by vocalist Horace Grigsby and guitarist Marvin Sewell. Video was designed by Houston visual artist Robert Pruitt.
2. Lily Hanson: Trial Size
Epitome Institute, San Antonio
February 6 – March 6
Opening February 6, 6–9 pm
An exhibition of small, abstract sculptural works by artist Lily Hanson, created with a number of self-imposed constraints.
3. Arlene Shechet: Blockbuster
Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin
January 24 – March 21
Odd beauty in this exhibition of sculptures and drawings by artist Arlene Shechet, whose figurative, architectural, and organic forms all seem on the verge of collapse.
4. Nick Bontrager: Signals
Aurora Picture Show, Houston
February 6-13
An interactive installation creates a real-time communication link between artist and participant. Using a signaling lamp, visitors can flash Morse code messages at a projected image of the artist in various locations, which will change in response. After the opening, the installation can be visited daily between 11am and 2pm.
5. Adam Crosson: Soft Wax
Pump Project Art Complex, Austin
February 6 – 28, 2015
Opening: February 6, 7–10 pm
Photography, sculpture and video work by Austin artist Adam Crosson based on hedgehogs (the anti-tank kind, not the Beatrix Potter kind), and industrial archotecture.