Dallas Art Fair Announces 2025 Exhibitors

by Jessica Fuentes February 2, 2025

The Dallas Art Fair has announced the 90 exhibitors participating in its 2025 fair taking place in April at the Fashion Industry Gallery (f.i.g.) in the Dallas Arts District.

A photograph of a sign outside of the Dallas Art Fair promoting the event.

The 2024 Dallas Art Fair at Fashion Industry Gallery (f.i.g.). Photo: Exploredinary.

This year marks the 17th edition of the weekend-long event, which will feature galleries from across Texas and throughout the world. Some of the returning galleries include Alexander Berggruen (New York), Inman Gallery (Houston), Kerlin Gallery (Dublin), Perrotin (New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai), and Josh Lilley (London). Newcomers to the fair include Tezukayama Gallery (Osaka), Duarte Sequeira (Braga, Seoul, London), Galería Ethra (Mexico City), Make Room (Los Angeles), and ​​WHATIFTHEWORLD (Cape Town).

In a press release Kelly Cornell, the Director of the Dallas Art Fair, said, “Every year, it is our mission to facilitate discovery and curiosity, to foster genuine connections between exhibitors and collectors. We owe our continued success to the caliber of every gallery’s presentation and to the passion and energy of our city’s art lovers. We are extremely proud to welcome this exceptional roster of galleries to the fair this year.”

Among the Texas exhibitors are Colector, with locations in Dallas, Houston, and Monterey, Mexico; Conduit Gallery, Cris Worley Fine Arts, Erin Cluley Gallery, Galleri Urbane, Nature of Things, Pencil on Paper Gallery, Sputnik Modern, and Valley House Gallery in Dallas; Inman Gallery and McClain Gallery in Houston; Ivester Contemporary and Martha’s in Austin; Jody Klotz Fine Art, in Abilene; and William Campbell Gallery in Fort Worth. See a full list of exhibitors below.

A VIP day will be held on Thursday, April 10 with general admission opening on Friday, April 11. The fair weekend hours are Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Learn more about the Dallas Art Fair and purchase tickets from the organization’s website.

2025 Dallas Art Fair Exhibitors
193 Gallery (Paris, Venice)
Alexander Berggruen (New York)
Alisan Fine Arts (Hong Kong, New York)
Anat Ebgi (Los Angeles, New York)
Andrew Reed Gallery (Miami, New York)
Asya Geisberg Gallery (New York)
Beatriz Esguerra Art (Bogotá, Miami)
Berry Campbell (New York)
Bienvenu Steinberg & C (New York)
Blouin Division (Montreal, Toronto)
Canada (New York)
Carl Freedman Gallery (Kent)
Carvalho Park (Brooklyn)
Colector (Dallas, Houston, Monterey, Mexico)
Conduit Gallery (Dallas)
Cris Worley Fine Arts (Dallas)
Cristin Tierney Gallery (New York)
David B. Smith Gallery (Denver)
DIMIN (New York)
Duarte Sequeira (Braga, London, Seoul)
Erin Cluley Gallery (Dallas)
EUROPA (New York)
Fabienne Levy Gallery (Geneva, Lausanne)
Franklin Parrasch Gallery (New York)
Galería Ethra (Mexico City)
Galerie Camille Pouyfacon (Paris)
Galerie Christian Lethert (Cologne)
Galerie Nicolas Robert (Montreal, Toronto)
Galleri Urbane (Dallas)
Gazelli Art House (Baku, London)
Gerald Peters Gallery (New York, Santa Fe)
Gio Marconi (Milan)
Hales Gallery (London, New York)
Hesse Flatow (Amagansett, New York)
Hollis Taggart (New York)
Inman Gallery (Houston)
Ivester Contemporary (Austin)
Jack Barrett Gallery (New York)
JDJ (New York)
Jody Klotz Fine Art (Abilene)
Josh Lilley Gallery (London)
Kerlin Gallery (Dublin)
Koki Arts (Tokyo)
LBF Contemporary (London)
Library Street Collective (Detroit)
Louis Stern Fine Arts (Los Angeles)
Luce Gallery (Turin)
Luis De Jesus Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
Make Room (Los Angeles)
Martha’s (Austin)
McClain Gallery (Houston)
Mickey (Chicago)
Modern Animals (Zurich)
Morgan Lehman Gallery (New York)
Mrs. (Queens)
Nature of Things (Dallas)
Nicholas Metivier Gallery (Toronto)
NICODIM (Bucharest, Los Angeles, New York)
Nino Mier Gallery (Brussels, New York)
OMR (Mexico City)
OSMOS (New York, Stamford)
Pablo’s Birthday (New York, Verbier)
Patel Brown (Montreal, Toronto)
Pencil on Paper Gallery (Dallas)
Perrotin (Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo)
PIERMARQ* (Sydney)
Piero Atchugarry Gallery (Garzón, Miami)
Ronchini Gallery (London)
Saenger Galeria (Mexico City)
Sapar Contemporary (New York)
Sears Peyton Gallery (Los Angeles, New York)
Secci (Milan, Pietrasanta)
SOCO Gallery (Charlotte)
Sputnik Modern (Dallas)
SPY Projects (Los Angeles)
Sundaram Tagore Gallery (London, New York, Singapore)
TAFETA (London)
Taubert Contemporary (Berlin)
Tezukayama Gallery (Osaka)
The Sunday Painter (London)
Tops Gallery (Memphis)
Turley Gallery (Hudson)
Turner Carroll Gallery (Santa Fe)
Ulterior Gallery (New York)
Valley House Gallery (Dallas)
Vielmetter Los Angeles (Los Angeles)
William Campbell Gallery (Fort Worth)
Wolfgang Gallery (Atlanta)
Yossi Milo (New York)

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