You can see John Forse’s other comics by visiting his Glasstire author page. Some of the artist’s past comics have poked at themes of small town living, the absurdities and contractions in the art world, Hurricane Harvey, and how Santa makes his deliveries, among many other topics.
John Forse is an artist living and working in Houston, Texas. He graduated with his MFA from the University of Houston and has exhibited at venues across Texas, including Box 13 Artspace, the College of the Mainland Art Gallery Satellite Space, 500X Gallery, Flatland Gallery, and Domy Books in Austin and Houston. His art addresses themes of masculinity, popular culture, consumerism, and digital spaces.
In a studio visit interview with Lawndale Art Center, on the occasion of the 2015 Big Show, Forse talked about his practice:
“My home studio is a drafting table located between the living room and kitchen. Most of my post-graduate school work has been model building and illustration so I do nearly everything at my desk. It has a simple layout with paper and materials stacked underneath. When transitioning from one project to another, I completely clean the work surface and store away all my tools. Other than just practicality and habit, I do this because it helps me create a separation between work and home. The work surface is the largest flat area in our home and therefore very valuable real-estate. When it is not occupied by work, I use it for board games. That prevents me from working, however, so I have begun procrastinating relaxation. Hopefully the next place we live will be big enough to accommodate a dedicated studio space.”