It seems the art-collecting panel discussion lives on. In the rearview mirror of the 2018 Dallas Art Fair: On Saturday, May 5, the Dallas gallery Kirk Hopper Fine Art will host a panel discussion titled The Art of Collecting, which will focus “on the art eco- system, the mechanics of an art gallery, and how visitors can engage and support artists of our time.”
This panel will be moderated by Hady Mawajdeh, Arts Reporter and Digital Editor of KERA’s Art and Seek. The panelists are Hanh Ho (CYDONIA‘s founder/director), art advisor Jennifer Klos (proprietor of Collector House), and artist Giovanni Valderas (who is also Kirk Hopper’s assistant director and the recent recipient of SMU’s Moss/Chumley Award; side note: Valderas will be speaking at the Meadows Museum in Dallas tomorrow, Thurs April 26, at 6 p.m.)
Again, the panel discussion takes place at Kirk Hopper Fine Art in Dallas on Saturday, May 5, from 2-4 pm. Light refreshments will be on hand. This event is free and open to the public, but you should RSVP at [email protected].