The acclaimed Tuesday Evenings at the Modern Lecture Series at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is starting its new season on September 27. This first installment pertains to the exhibition originating at the Modern called “Urban Theater: New York Art in the 1980s” and will feature art historian Mark Thistlethwaite in conversation with the show’s (and the museum’s) chief curator Michael Auping, curator Andrea Karnes, and assistant curator Alison Hearst.
Terri Thornton, Curator of Education at the Modern is the series longtime organizer. She splits the season into two sessions; one Fall, one Spring. The Fall session’s schedule is:
September 30: Allan McCollum
October 7: Jenny Jaskey
October 14: James Cutler,
October 21: Carlo McCormick
October 28: Kenny Scharf
November 4: Fionn Meade
November 11: Eric Fischl,
November 18: Jules de Balincourt
For more info on these guests, please go here.
The lectures are free; for more info on location, tickets, etc, go here.
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