Artists In Their Studios: A Labor Day Look

by Christopher Blay September 7, 2020
Artist Robert Rauschenberg in his studio

Artist Robert Rauschenberg in his studio

This Labor Day we celebrate artists as workers, from the space the work is created, contemplated, and refined: the studio. From artists we all recognize to some favorite Texas artists to artists who labor in obscurity, here are  a few images that offer a glimpse behind the curtain.

Yinka Shonibare CBE

Yinka Shonibare, CBE


Julie Speed in her studio

Julie Speed in her Marfa studio (photo: Cody Bjornson)


Houston Texas artist JooYoung Choi

Artist JooYoung Choi working in her Houston studio


David Lynch

David Lynch


Randall Garrett in his studio in Mexico City

Randall Garrett in his studio in Mexico City


Artist Casey Leone

Artist Casey Leone’s studio


Helen Frankenthaler

Helen Frankenthaler


Texas artist Terri Thornton in her Fort Worth studio

Terri Thornton in her Fort Worth studio


Artist Lillian young's Studio

Artist Lillian young’s studio


Bernardo Vallarino-Portela

Bernardo Vallarino-Portela at work


Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson


Kiki Smith

Kiki Smith


Henry Moore

Henry Moore


Studio of Artist Danielle Demetria

Studio of artist Danielle Demetria East in Lubbock


Jeff Gibbons in his studio

Artist Jeff Gibbons in his Dallas studio


Adriana Corral in her studio. Still from Walley Films, 4x4 series for

Adriana Corral in her studio


Artist Giovanni Valderas in his studio.

Artist Giovanni Valderas in his studio


Joey Faurso in the studio. Photo: David S. Rubin

Joey Faurso in her studio (photo: David S. Rubin)


Lauren Tompkins' studio

Lauren Tompkins’ studio


artist Francis Bacon's studio

Francis Bacon’s studio


Artist Greg Bahr

Artist Greg Bahr in his studio


Artist Jesse Sierra Hernandez

Jesse Sierra Hernandez

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1 comment

ANN STODDARD September 10, 2020 - 09:45

Thank you for the studio visits! Always fun to see where an artist works.


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