Houston Indie Book Festival, part of the annual MenilFest.
What a great combo: art/words/noise—the major genres of art-making all on the same plate. Such is the stuff of MenilFest, the annual, one-day festival that’s held on the Menil Collection’s campus wherein artists, writers, musicians and performers make evident their talents to the Houston public–panel discussions, seminars on art/writing/noisemaking, and kids activities overwhelm the pristine lawns of the Menil in a display of community, art and language.
And as if that general merriment/art-making/noisemaking action wasn’t enough, add to the goodness the Indie Book Festival, a parenthetical + on the whole MenilFest endeavor—nearly 100 independent authors, booksellers, magazines, presses and literary organizations lay out their wares for a good browsing. In this age of almost digital everything, it is so good to know that books have not pixelated into the ether. In fact, like good little revolutionaries, indie bookmakers, publishers, and authors are helping reestablish our age-old connection to the words you can hold in your hand, and I don’t mean your Kindle.
MenilFest takes place this Saturday, May 3, from 11 am – 6 pm.
The Menil Collection, 1533 Sul Ross Houston, TX 77006
For a full schedule of activities, go here.