The City of Austin Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services Office, Cultural Arts Division (EGRSO-CAD?) handed out its annual Partners in the Arts Awards last week, recognizing the unsung cowboys of the Austin cultural trail. The 2012 Recipients were the African American Resource Advisory Commission – for their assistance with community outreach efforts related to the Art in Public Places project for the new African American Culture & Heritage Facility; Paul Boudreaux – for his volunteer service on the Arts Commission Guidelines Working Group as a representative of the hospitality industry; Joe Leyva – for his integral role in the annual People’s Gallery exhibition as the former facilities coordinator at City Hall; Gloria Mata Pennington –for her years of service as a member and former Chair of the Arts Commission; Lynn Osgood – for her years of service as a member of the Art in Public Places Panel; and Claudette Godfrey and Jarod Neece, SXSW Community Screenings – for their assistance with the Faces of Austin short film program.