March 1 - April 27, 2024
“Phase Transitions is a meditation on the cyclical nature of our collective human experience. It features a series of paintings and an immersive original soundtrack slowly unfolding in a gradually changing environment. Backlit acrylic panels, thickly coated in oil paint and wax, transform over time. Along with the soundscape the paintings singularize the dichotomy of extremes – of the earth to the heaves, of the day into night, of birth into death. The illumination in the gallery space shifts gradually from full light to complete darkness and back again in repeated cycles. In light, the paintings read as topographic imagery – a reference to broad swaths of barren, snowy landscapes from above. In darkness, the physicality of the opaque white paint surrenders to the immateriality of the translucent light. The prominent surface of the work is simultaneously a solid wall and an innuendo of expanse, opening fictively beyond. Heightened extremes of light and dark emerge from changing planes sculptured into the surface and time becomes an abstraction.”
511 Ave K
Lubbock, 79401 Texas
806 762-8606
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