September 15 - October 15, 2023
From Northern-Southern:
“”The Source” is a double-solo show of painting by Lauren Moya Ford and ceramic sculpture by Evan Horn. Evan Horn honors the vessel and the earth, the “source of the ceramic tradition”, but with a reaching, spiritual utility. Hand-formed pieces of fired earths twist like Mobius strips. The vessels are manifolds for multi-dimensional spaces. They hold everything and nothing. Using quick spreading fountain ink on bespoke papers, Lauren Moya Ford paints with a sure, sensual immediacy. The pictures, which have flowed continuously from her this year, rewrite inherited feminine and Catholic symbols into personal narrative and new archetype: the water, the hair, the hand, the woman, the candle flame. The title “The Source” calls back to two paintings from 1850-60s Paris, one by Ingres and one by Courbet. In each a woman stands under a fountaining spring, perhaps a symbol of endless creative renewal. In the Ingres, she holds jar. At our springs, the woman baptizes herself. Formed from our dry creeks, the earthen jar itself is water.
September 15–October 15 — Reception: Friday, September 15, 5-8pm. Non-alcoholic refreshments. — Visiting Hours: Thursday–Sunday, 2-6pm, beginning Saturday, September 16. — events to be announced where Northern-Southern
Downtown Austin, off 5th Street, halfway between San Jacinto and Brazos, 501 East 5th Street. Look for the <–N or the <–S sign, the blue door with art by Kel Brown, and a blue bike rack.”
Reception: September 16, 2023 | 2–5 pm
Northern-Southern (Downtown Austin)
411 Brazos Street #105
Austin, 78701 Texas
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