Henry G. Sanchez writes about the bioart of Louisiana artist Brandon Ballengée, which is currently on view at Redbud Gallery in Houston.
Henry G. Sanchez
Henry G. Sanchez reviews an exhibition at Jonathan Hopson Gallery in Houston, featuring work by Liz Rodda, Lauren Moya Ford, Hong Hong, Guadalupe Hernandez, Brandon Tho Harris, and Troy Dugas.
How have the City of Houston’s art agencies responded to the Covid economic crisis, and what is their relationship to Houston’s arts community?
How do Texas cities fund arts and culture when the current model for doing so has collapsed in the face of a pandemic?
This could be a real breakthrough for Lina Dib. The potential for this work is expansive.
El momento para hacerlo ha llegado. Somos el 45% de la población.
The time for this has come. We are 45% of the population.
Personal history, heritage, and cultural practice — combined with an ethical concern for the bio-material — contribute to expanding definitions of bio-art.