Dallas artist Marjorie
Schwarz once volunteered at the Dallas Zoo and used the birds as inspiration.
She painted them to help her remember their names but it also became a way of finding the essence of her painting voice.
“I’m painting the same things
over and over again and it can be painful, painfully boring, but if I can get
past the boredom it can be incredibly interesting,” says Schwarz.
Schwarz’s studio is in a
spare bedroom in the back of a second-story duplex. She paints at a small white
desk, sometimes with her dog Wiggles at her feet. There she applies layer upon
layer of thinned paint to her latest body of portrait work.
Everett Taasevigen
is a Houston photographer.
Also by Everett Taasevigen:
Glass Houses 18: Margaret Meehan and Noah Simblist
Glass Houses 17: Shamrock Hotel Studios
Glass Houses 15: Lauren Kelley
Houses 14: Margarita Cabrera
Houses 13: Hana Hillerova
Houses 12: Leslie Wilkes
Houses 9: Steve Brudniak
Houses 8: David Aylsworth