Artpace Launches Texas Open Call 

by Jessica Fuentes July 1, 2024

Artpace San Antonio has announced its annual open call for Texas artists to be considered in its 2026 International Artist-in-Residence program. 

Opened in 1995, Artpace has hosted artist residency programs that bring together international, national, and regional artists. In past years the program has held three spring, summer, and fall residency programs, however this year it is switching to two seasons (spring and fall). Each season will include one Texas artist, one national artist, and one international artist, selected by invited curators. 

A photograph of the interior of a residency space in San Antonio.

Artpace Residency apartment

Residents will receive a living stipend of $6,000, a production budget of up to $10,000, a furnished apartment, and a studio space. Additionally, they will have access to wood and metal workshops and a digital media studio, as well as technical advice and administrative support. At the end of the eight-week residency, new work by each of the artists will be presented in an 18-week exhibition at Artpace. 

The Texas Open Call is an opportunity for artists living and working in Texas to be considered for the residency program and to be added to a list which is shared with prominent visiting directors, curators, and writers from organizations around the world. To be eligible for the call, artists must have lived in the state for at least one year at the time of application. Current students, Artpace staff, and members of the Artpace Board of Directors (as well as their spouses, domestic partners, and immediate family) are not eligible to apply. Two guest curators will review all applicants and choose 20 Texas artists for in-person studio visits. 

The application deadline is Monday, September 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. Artists selected for studio visits will be contacted. Dates for the 2026 residency program terms are: January 26 – March 22, 2026 (Spring) and July 20 – September 17, 2026 (Fall). 

Learn more and apply for the Texas Open Call via Artpace’s website.  

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