Frame Dance Productions, a 2019 Houston arts grantee
In the past few years, the Houston has really stepped up its artists grants and public arts programs. Remember those Arts and Cultural Plan meetings? The City listened to community residents, artists, arts and cultural groups, a community advisory committee, City staff and elected officials, civic leaders and experts. Art is now everywhere in Houston.
Earlier this month, the Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA) announced the latest milestone in the implementation of its Arts and Cultural Plan with grants totaling $4.5 million to 126 area arts and culture nonprofit organizations for public exhibitions, presentations and performances in 2019. MOCA’s policies and initiatives expand access to arts and cultural programs in the community, attract visitors and leverage private investment. It helps the public and City departments and offices realize cultural projects that advance their goals.
“As called for in the Arts and Cultural Plan, we completely redesigned City grants offered through Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) and early results from the changes are very positive,” said Debbie McNulty, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs. “Our vision and values of inclusion and equity are at the heart of the new process, along with our priorities of public service and public access.”
Highlights of the new grant process include:
- An emphasis on supporting artists by allowing applicants that pay artists for their creative work to compete for larger grant awards
- A more efficient application form and increased community outreach by HAA
- A 16 percent increase in new applications, reaching a total of more than 130
- An expanded evaluation panel based on diversity of identity, knowledge, artistic expertise and community involvement
The announcement also included a list of all the 2019 award recipients. It’s a long one and that’s a good thing. Here it is:
14 Pews
4th Wall Theatre Co.
A. D. Players at the George Theater
Ambassadors International Ballet Folklorico
American Festival for the Arts
Aperio, Music of the Americas
Apollo Chamber Players
Architecture Center Houston Foundation
Ars Lyrica Houston
Art Colony Association
Art League of Houston
ArtX NonProfits
Asia Society Texas Center
Aurora Picture Show
Axiom Quartet
Bach Society Houston
Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
Bharathi Kalai Manram
Box 13 Artspace
Brazilian Arts Foundation
Cantare Houston
The Catastrophic TheatreCenter for African American Military History
Center for Indian Classical Music of Houston
Chamber Music Houston
Children’s Prison Arts Project
Chinese Community Center
City Ballet of Houston
Classical Theatre Company
Community Artists Collective
Community Music Center of Houston
The Company OnStage
Culture of Health – Advancing Together
Czech Cultural and Community Center
Dance Houston
Dance of Asian America
Dance Source Houston
Dirt Dogs Theatre Company
Discovery Green Conservancy
Diverse Works
Dynamism Fine Arts of Texas
The Ensemble Theatre
Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston
Express Children’s Theatre
Foundation for Modern Music
Frame Dance Productions
Greater East End Management District
Greater Houston Chorus
Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts
The Heritage Society
HITS Theatre
Hope Stone
Houston Black Heritage Music & Arts Festival
Houston Boychoir
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
Houston Center for Photography
Houston Chamber Choir
Houston Children’s Chorus
Houston Cinema Arts Society
Houston Civic Symphony Orchestra
Houston Early Music
Houston International Dance Coalition
Houston International Film Festival
Houston Latin American Philharmonic Orchestra
Houston Masterworks Chorus
Houston Metropolitan Dance Center
Houston Swing Dance Society
Houston Tidelanders
Houston Youth Symphony & Ballet
Indian Performing Arts Samskriti
Indo-American Association
Italian Cultural & Community Center of Houston
Jazz Education
Karen Stokes Dance
Kinetic Ensemble
Kingwood Dance Theatre
Kingwood Pops Orchestra
La Speranza
Luciole International Theatre Company
Magpies & Peacocks
Main Street Theater Houston
Memorial Hermann Community Benefit Corporation
Mercury Chamber Orchestra
Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company
Multicultural Education and Counseling Through the Arts
Nameless Sound
Neighbors in Action
Noblemotion Dance
Nuit Blanche
Obsidian Art Space
OCA-Greater Houston Chapter
Open Dance Project
Opera in the Heights
Partnership for the Advancement and Immersion of Refugees
The Periwinkle Foundation
The Positive ProjectThe Printing Museum
Project Row Houses
Public Poetry
Rec Room Arts
River Oaks Chamber Orchestra
Rothko Chapel
Russian Cultural Center “Our Texas”
Several Dancers Core
Silambam Houston
Solel International
Stages Repertory Theatre
Tagore Center Foundation
Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston
Texas Dragon Boat Association
Theatre Suburbia
Uptown Dance Company
Vietnamese Culture and Science Association
Virtuosi of Houston
Wordsmyth Theater
Writers in the Schools
Young Audiences Inc Of Houston