Fixing the Lawnmower, a GIF
Dallas art collective HOMECOMING! Committee wants your GIF. They’re collecting animated GIF files, those little jerky almost-movies beloved by the colony of retro-technologists and self styled “circuit benders” clustering in North Texas, for a contest and exhibition on April 20 from 7-11 p.m. Called “GIF the Fuck Out,” the show will collect the best of submitted .gifs and display them at 2650B Main St. in Deep Ellum for audience voting, with background sounds provided by Marshall Thompson, DJG, and DJ DAUG.
GIF, (short for Graphics Interchange Format) can be pronounced with either a hard G, as in “I’ve got a little gif’ for you, honey” or with a soft G, like the peanut butter. It was developed by Compuserve in 1987, and is is one of the earliest color image formats.
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