William Sarradet writes about two exhibitions on view at Pencil on Paper Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Colette Copeland speaks to Texas artists who have participated in The Alternative Art School about the global community it provided.
Philip Kelleher reviews the environmentally-themed artwork in the 2024 Texas Biennial.
Review: “Dining with Rolando Briseño: A 50-Year Retrospective” at Centro de Artes, San Antonio
Lauren Moya Ford writes about the social and political implications of food in the work of Rolando Briseño.
Ronnie Yates reviews a group exhibition at Josh Pazda Hiram Butler of work that addresses frailty, ephemerality, and memory.
Jessica Fuentes reseña “Flow States – LA TRIENAL 2024” en El Museo del Barrio en Nueva York.
Colette Copeland reviews three solo shows that contest dominant histories and emphasize the importance of female resilience.
Michelle Kraft reviews an exhibition of oil and cold wax paintings that explore the human capacity for good and evil.
Leslie Moody Castro reviews an exhibition of abstract paintings by Houston artist Rick Lowe at the Palazzo Grimani in Venice, Italy.
William Sarradet writes about a group show of typographic work, a solo show of paintings, and an exhibition exploring Houston's water issues.
“Fundado en barro: el espíritu de la cerámica de la cultura puebloana” en el Museum of Fine Arts de Houston
Philip Kelleher escribe sobre una exposición de cerámica puebloana en el MFAH curada colectivamente por miembros de veintiún comunidades tribales.
Jessica Fuentes writes about her reflexive experience in the James Turrell “Come to Good” installation at Keith House.
Emma S. Ahmad reviews two mixed-media shows at Ro2 Art Gallery that reflect the current social and political moment.
Ian Etter reviews an exhibition of paintings that draw inspiration from cosmological diagrams.
Jessica Fuentes, Gabriel Martinez, William Sarradet, and Brandon Zech count down some of their favorite art books of 2024.
Mary Margaret Swets reviews an exhibition at Southern Methodist University’s Meadows Museum that shows the influence of Islamic culture on the art and architecture of Spain.
The Other Russian Revolution: “Female Artists of Les Ballets Russes”
by Daniel Orrby Daniel OrrDaniel Orr reviews an exhibition that celebrates the female artists who worked behind the scenes on Les Ballets Russes from 1909 -1929.
Colette Copeland reviews an exhibition at Dallas Contemporary of photographs documenting transient men in Paris, Texas.
Christopher Karr reviews an exhibition of three generations of Mexican-American artists on view at the Weil Gallery at Texas A&M - Corpus Christi.
Glasstire’s staff and contributors share which Texas-based shows, events, and works made their personal “best” lists for 2024. **** Emma Ahmad Sheryl Anaya: Absurd Appetites (Tables for Two) at Cluley…