I had a group of girl friends in college who did all sorts of hare-brained and utterly hilarious pranks on our conservative campus: throwing studded, glitzy thongs in the trees,…
Lucia Simek
Lucia Simek
Lucia is an artist and writer based in Dallas. She is a frequent contributor to D Magazine's arts blog, FrontRow and a contributing editor and art adviser for D Home. She is also a founding member of the The Art Foundation, a Dallas-based artist collective that formed as an investigative endeavor that aims to cultivate artistic dialogue through concise critical and aesthetic explorations in the form of exhibitions, interventions and the written word. She is currently pursuing her MFA in sculpture at Texas Christian University.
In Baseball, Peter Schjeldahl’s 1988 essay for 7 Days magazine, the art critic cleverly made the comparison that “initiation into the mystery of baseball is like initiation into…
As a kid, my sisters and I dubbed the malaise that comes on gloomy, somber Sundays a “Sunday Feeling.” It’s an awful feeling, brought on then by the threat of…
There are number of shows up in the Design District that feature small, very affordable sculpture. I wondered at first about a nascent trend. Then of course I realized that…
An enormous inflated creature crouches atop the building housing Marty Walker Gallery. It’s a Macrodon, a creature born from Billy Zinser’s expressionistic, Philip Guston-ish paintings, and brought to life as…
I can hardly see a new photograph these days, whether in galleries, on Etsy, or in blogs, that doesn’t smack of a certain beauty of the ordinary—photos of arranged utensils…