One of the under-appreciated highlights of many Texas institutions and non-profits is their ongoing education programming. From free events open to the community to art schools and classes, our state is rich with resources focused on making sure that anyone and everyone has varied access to art and art-making.
This month, three of these Texas institutions are accepting enrollment for their fall semester of art-making courses: the recently opened Glassell School of Art, a program of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Art League Houston; and The Contemporary Austin’s Art School at Laguna Gloria.

Inside the new Glassell School of Art
Classes at the new Glassell School of Art in Houston:
The Junior School (ages 3 to 18)
Fall registration for new students opens August 9, 2018. The semester includes drawing, sculpture and painting courses, along with other sessions focusing on thematic and big picture ideas. For additional details and to view a full course catalog, go here. The fall semester begins on September 5.
The Studio School (ages 18 and up)
Fall registration for new students is open August 7 through August 9, 2018. The semester includes art history courses and various studio courses focusing on a wide range of topics, including sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing, and more. For additional details and to view a full course catalog, go here. The fall semester begins on August 20.

An art class at Art League Houston
Classes at Art League Houston:
Fall 2018 Quarter (ages 17 and up)
Fall registration for new students is open July 30 through September 2, 2018. The semester includes classes on jewelry making, ceramics, portraiture, collage techniques, writing artists statements, and more. For additional details and to view a full course catalog, go here. The fall semester begins on September 10.

A ceramics studio at The Contemporary Austin’s Art School at Laguna Gloria
Classes at The Contemporary Austin’s Art School at Laguna Gloria:
Fall 2018 Semester (ages 4 and up)
Fall registration for new students opens August 9, 2018. The semester includes introductory courses for various artistic mediums and styles, along with children’s courses focusing on basic techniques and creative thinking. For additional details and to view a full course catalog, go here. The fall semester begins on September 8.