August 26 - September 30, 2023
From Craighead Green:
“Flowers are as essential to life on this planet as the air we breathe. They are astonishing for their beauty, variety, color and scent. Flowers are part of our daily lives as they inhabit our environment as well as take place in every kind of celebration from birth until death. We see them in art and the art of flowers arranged for every occasion birthdays, weddings, funerals, comings and goings and everything in between. Yet it is the individual flower that attracts me to create.
I thought I knew something about flowers until I began photographing and enlarging them, and came to realize they had so much to teach us. Through digital manipulation we can see flowers in a whole new world. We can enjoy unknown microscopic details and yet see them literally in full bloom, giving us all they have to offer.
To bloom is both a verb and a noun with two or three definitions. The one I like is to flourish. We flourish when we are at our very best. Enlarged flowers, in full bloom are at the height of their beauty so we can know them as singular and unique. Come feel the bloom!”
1011 Dragon Street
Dallas, 75207 TX
(214) 855-0779
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