July 1 - August 20, 2022
From Laredo Center for the Arts:
“The agony of separation is something that unites us. Leaving or getting away from something or someone, whether we want to or not, is part of the negotiation to improve our lives; although many times the opposite turns out. At the border between the United States and Mexico we are witnesses to migratory undertakings, legal and illegal. We are accomplices or we are part of the group of people who cross our lands in the hope of achieving their dreams. Wars and political treaties divided the territories that today strategically frame the dividing line. Government leaders and communication platforms continually use our border as a weapon to cause panic and corrupt the peace of the country in order to remain in power. The dividing line emerges in the form of a river and a fragmented wall between deserts and mountains. Most obstructing still, it exists in the mind due to lack and manipulation of information. Even so, these temporarily divided territories are also united by bridges, stories, foods, languages, the air, the arts, and in short, a unique culture; a culture that adapts to the differences of two countries and makes it one. This exhibition of visual art tries to take control of our own voices to clarify what is professed in the north of the United States about us. Our intention is to show things as they are and dismantle "The Weapon." Things are not entirely admirable, but the country’s problems are not ours or those of the immigrants. The problem arises because of the founding of a country developed in injustices. In order to understand each other, let’s listen to each other without prejudice. As artists, we observe and shape our testimonies. This group of works is a small sample to reflect and analyze ourselves. It is also a way to unmask myths and show our strengths and weaknesses. We use the gallery as a platform for those willing to meet us and enter into dialogue. Perhaps yes, the border is a weapon, but loaded with hopes and dreams.
Gil Rocha”
Reception: July 1, 2022 | 6–9 pm
500 San Agustin
Laredo, 78040 TX
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