There is too much to do in Austin this weekend! So whether you’re from here of need an excuse to visit these are my picks to help you manage your…
Melba Toast
I like pink because it is bubble gum and blisters. It is the color of innocence. I also like pink because it’s a dirty white tinged with flesh or blood.…
The above video is based on a letter by the artist Sol LeWitt written to the artist Eva Hesse with slight alterations by Levni Yilmaz… Below is the actual letter…
Humor and play pervade the exhibition New Image Sculpture at the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio. It features thirteen contemporary artists and art collectives and was organized by René…
Like the intuitive and abstract connections we made as teenagers trying to make sense of that space between childhood and adulthood, Barry Stone’s exhibition Hum at SOFA Gallery functions as…
Elizabeth speaks quietly but carries a large stick. Chris Powell’s sculpture Elizabeth is enough. An extreme minority: just one, she is enough to keep you company in an otherwise unoccupied…
Not so much a Mirror Mirror of dual identity as it is two identities that have come together to influence and create something new. Mirror Mirror #4 highlights Austin poet…
On a cold and (believe it or not) snowy day in Dallas, Texas I found myself at the entrance of 500X Gallery on the last day of Flotsam, an exhibition…
Merry subversive Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours! I apologize to those of you who do not celebrate the holiday. I hope this will still entertain.…
Art education at it’s best. Stephen Colbert and Steve Martin go all art insidery on the Colbert Report last week. With cameos by Frank Stella, Shepard Fairy and Andres Serrano;…
Hot on the heels of my post about the VAC’s Anthropogenesis exhibition and because nothing says Fall in Texas quite like taxidermy and animal antics… I present Similar but Different…
Animals have always been an important part of my life and a great emphasis in my own work as an artist. They remind me that soft and cuddly things can…
For the next two weekends, artist studios, art galleries and theaters all over east Austin are open to the public for East Austin Studio Tour 9 – a chance for…
In honor of Halloween and my wish to always be SUPER when in reality I remain extra-ordinarily human, I present Similar but Different #11: I am Superman. Gilles Barbier …
It seems like today we’re going through a similar technological revolution to the one we went through over 100 years ago and like a 100 years ago this jolt…
I’m kind of upset right now. My former professor and a huge influence on my artwork is lecturing at AMOA today Saturday October 16th at 5:30pm. That’s today!…
These past few weeks I’ve been working my way around Austin’s gallery scene intent on introducing myself and discovering new venues as well as stopping by some old standards. My…
It’s 2am and I can’t sleep, so I present Similar but Different #10: Sleeping With One Eye Open. My room is clammy and cold, Moonhandled And weird. The shivers Wash…
Fittingly it was in an exhibition at Arthouse called Animations back in 2007 that I first saw the work of David Shrigley. The show had traveled from the Hammer Museum,…
Up first the songster, writer, actor and melancholy singer of Murder Ballads whose lecture Love Song is at the top of my hit list. CLICK HERE to see Nick Cave…