City of Galveston’s Cultural Arts Commission announces public art open call.
The City of Galveston’s Cultural Arts Commission has announced an open call for public art projects on Galveston Island, with the public component of all projects to be located in the City of Galveston. Between now and February 1, 2021, proposals will be accepted and may include visual arts, literary arts, performing arts, or media arts. Artist, or artist and their partnering organizations, may apply for the open call. Organizations and institutions are not eligible to apply.
Although funding for the open call projects could end up increasing, the priority will go to projects costing $5,000 or less, and the public art should be completed by the end of the fiscal 2021-2022 year: September 30, 2022.
Applicants to the open call should mail the following to [email protected]
- Application Form
- Artist C.V./ Resume
- Letter of support/permission from all interested parties, including property owner(s)
- Project description including a detailed site plan (not to exceed 1000 words)
- Previous work samples 5-10 related images for visual projects, five minutes of video for performance, writing sample for literary works (not to exceed 2000 words)
- A Proposed Budget with line items for materials, any necessary permits, insurance, and artist fee. Please include any existing funding or in-kind donations
- A proposal for public workshop if desired
- Timeline for completion: Projects must be completed during between June 2021-September 2022)
Proposals will be evaluated by the City of Galveston Cultural Arts Commission and approved by City Council. Proposals will be evaluated for feasibility, artistic merit, accessibility, and community support.
The Galveston Cultural Arts Commission will recommend to City Council financial support for public art projects within the City of Galveston that meet the criteria. City Council will then vote on whether to provide grant support to those projects. Community members representing the visual and performing arts, as well as arts education, are appointed to serve on the City of Galveston’s Cultural Arts Commission.
There are no residency restrictions, but City of Galveston residents are encouraged to apply. For more information, please go here.