March 9, 2025
From CO-OPt Research + Projects:
“Time Zero is a sonic talk on nuclearism, its aesthetics, and its influence on the paranoiac cultural architecture of postwar America. This live presentation is an adapted preview of the Time Zero podcast, an episodic narrative on the legacies of nuclear weapons development and testing, uranium mining, atomic energy, and the ethical and engineering paradoxes of nuclear waste disposal. Available in late March, Time Zero includes new interviews with artists Trevor Paglen, Rose B Simpson, Richard Misrach, Joanna Keane Lopez, and more, as well as an original drone soundtrack composed by Sean J Patrick Carney.
Sean J Patrick Carney is an American writer, researcher, composer, and visual artist. He teaches interdisciplinary art at the University of Florida.
Improvisation by Justin Houser and Seth Warren-Crow will open the performance. “
Artist talk: February 24, 2025
4204 Boston Ave
Lubbock, 79413 Texas
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