January 27 - February 20, 2024
From Mass Gallery:
“Hyper Femme explores what it means to present yourself as “ultra feminine” in a world where femme bodies are considered consumable and expendable. Femme expression is generally thought as women’s default form, rather than an actively constructed identity. This show explores femme as a term that’s claimed, rather than accepted, as not just foil to the masculine (whether of men or of the femme-butch dyad), but as an exclamatory statement of self, a hyper-performance of gender, a giggle that’s in on the joke.
Dahlia Bloomstone, Levi Dugat, Cam McCafferty, and Elena Isabel Pena explore the symbology of femmeness through relics, dress, and gender presentation. Femme expression stems from a multitude of different places (queerness, joy, comfort, desire) while actively resisting societal pressure to conform to narrow, capitalist-driven ideals of femininity.
Hyper Femme takes what she wants and leaves the rest behind, meeting the femme on her terms, in her myriad forms. Sex bomb, clown, saint, crone: we worship you all.”
Reception: January 27, 2024 | 6–9 pm
705 Gunter Street
Austin, 78702 TX
(512) 470-9453
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