September 23 - October 29, 2023
From Mighty Fine Arts:
“Mighty Fine Arts presents “Neon Rodeo” featuring new work by Andy Don Emmons. This show opens Saturday Sept 23 with a reception for the artist from 6-0pm and will run till Oct 29. Cowpunk Outlaw Artist/Musician Raconteur Andy Don Emmons has out done himself. The neo-psychedelic immersive ruminations of Neon Rodeo chronicle Texas Cowboy Culture with florid colors and expressionistic flourishes infused with autobiographical incidents. These paintings exemplify the Andy Don experience in all its soulful and exuberant glory. These sui generis pieces are filled with visionary invention and high humor intent on testing your mettle. If you want your art un-lacking in creative ideas and impulses you ought to mount up and take a ride in the “Neon Rodeo”. Also on Opening Night Wordspace presents a musical performance by infamous geezer punksters Long Black Car. They will take you for a ride alright, so buckle up and hold on tight, once the Car gets rolling you might end up riding all night! Mighty Fine Arts is located at 409A N Tyler in the Historic North Oak Cliff Neighborhood of Dallas 75208. Gallery open by Appointment: Message 214-556-7724″
Reception: September 23, 2023 | 11 pm – 2 am
419 NorthTyler
Dallas, 75208 TX
(214) 942-5241
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