November 6 - January 22, 2023
From Webb Gallery:
“Panacea was a Joan Mitchell resident in New Orleans last year when she began this new puppet show idea and the ceramics to mimic and support it all. She is known worldwide for her puppets, puppet shows, music and visual artwork. Last year the Ohr-Okeefe Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi hosted an exhibit for Panacea which included many ceramics, there were ceramic tickets for puppet show, and punch was served from a Panacea made punch bowl & cups. We are THRILLED to host this exhibit here in Waxahachie!
All artwork will be online.
Gallery is open by event, appointment & luck”
Reception: November 6, 2022 | 1–4 pm
Puppet show at 4pm
209-211 W Franklin
Waxahachie, 75165 TX
(972) 938-8085
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