July 9 - August 20, 2021
From the Cedars Union:
“Not Responsible for Lost Socks is the inaugural show in Gallery S14, a pop-up gallery in The Cedars Union. The exhibition features works by Cedars Union studio artists installed throughout the space on a clothesline. The suspended art work comes from nooks and crannies of the studio experience, demonstrating old work, new experiments, and in-progress ideas. It was curated by a CU member-led curatorial committee of Brantly Sheffield, Lisa Horlander, Catherine Cornelius, and Laura Lawson.
Participating artists include
Brantly Sheffield, Catherine Cornelius, Elizabeth Hill, Jess Baldivieso, Jessica Hilvitz, Lisa Horlander, Lori Maclean, Mari Pohlman, Adrienne Lichliter-Hines.”
Reception: July 17, 2021 | 6–8 pm
1201 South Ervay Street
Dallas, 75215 Texas
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