October 24 - November 9, 2019
“Riding the Tiger results from a Bert Long painting and his memorable comments about the painting as a metaphor on life. “Every day we wake up and we get on this tiger,” according to Long. “It’s on fire. There is no ground below it. The ocean is above it… The tiger has ferocious claws and a mouth full of teeth that will hurt you. Life is not easy. Life will chew you up, claw you up, set you on fire, toss you off a ravine and pound your ass. And what you have to do every day is wake up and say okay, I’m ready to get on that tiger!””
Opening: October 24, 2019 | 6:30–9 pm
Houston Museum of African American Culture
4807 Caroline St.
Houston, TX
(713) 353-1578
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