April 27, 2013
We’ll just let the folks at Super Happy speak for themselves:
“Mindset 2_A Visual and Musical Art Experience includes visual artists Fletcher Stafford, wild child paintings, drawings and collages, Cypress Golden, sculptural beauties, Eddie Mazariegos, tattooed drawings and paintings of beautiful faces and famed H-Town tattoo artist Catfish Perez, tat-paintings and drawings. DJ Damon Allen will be spinning rollicking records that night. There will be pizza, free beer and wine. Artists Fletcher Stafford and Eddie Mazariegos will also perform music that night. Eddie Mazariegos, long time local musician/artist, will perform an acoustic set of his original indie pop material, Albas Serenatas. Fletcher Stafford’s band Orents Stirner (www.orents.com) will play a set of avant-garde, totally improvised music, dripping groove and melody onto an auditory canvases. There will also be an improv dance performance during the Orents set. This is an all ages show.”
Now go!
3801 Polk Street
Houston, 77003 TX
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