Impish Animal by Jason Villegas at Okay Mountain is a two-part show. It's both a phallocentric and a polymorphously perverse
show, but not in an especially erotic way. The dicks and anuses all
over the gallery feel more like childlike explorations than mature
sexuality. Or, perhaps, like a prescription for modern living.
show, but not in an especially erotic way. The dicks and anuses all
over the gallery feel more like childlike explorations than mature
sexuality. Or, perhaps, like a prescription for modern living.

The large installation of stuffed wolf/men (mostly in felt) and
handbag/tanks emblazoned with Villegas's spin on the Louis Vuitton logo
(LV=JV) looks a bit like a battle scene; or maybe it's more accurate to describe it as a mythological representation of a pretty important battle (in an abstract sort of way). Then again it's not so much a battle, it's more of a love-in. And it all happened inside of Villegas's fantastic imagination.
handbag/tanks emblazoned with Villegas's spin on the Louis Vuitton logo
(LV=JV) looks a bit like a battle scene; or maybe it's more accurate to describe it as a mythological representation of a pretty important battle (in an abstract sort of way). Then again it's not so much a battle, it's more of a love-in. And it all happened inside of Villegas's fantastic imagination.

The other half of the show consists of new paintings
and drawings, of which the latter are particularly interesting.
Following the woodlands theme of his wolf/men, Villegas drew intimate
and more outwardly erotic scenes of bears with collaged deer heads (and one badger).

Impish Animal reads like a statement of personal identity in the form of a bear-centric metaphorical cosmology.
The whole world between an anus and a penis. Villegas’s work feels
real, authentic, from the heart, immediate and biographical. It is
unpolished and coarsely made but it is in its commitment to a rugged
and exploded narrative that it becomes a unit, realized vision and a
show not to be missed.
The whole world between an anus and a penis. Villegas’s work feels
real, authentic, from the heart, immediate and biographical. It is
unpolished and coarsely made but it is in its commitment to a rugged
and exploded narrative that it becomes a unit, realized vision and a
show not to be missed.
1 comment
“Art can’t come close to what a good pop song can do, conveying that kind of emotion.”
I would like a moustache helmet, pleese.