February 27 - May 3, 2025
From Lawndale:
“Carlos Vielma’s An Infinite Picnic presents a video installation inspired by “The Million Year Picnic,” the final short story from Ray Bradbury’s post-apocalyptic science fiction The Martian Chronicles. In Bradbury’s timely dystopian short story, a family escapes Earth in an attempt to rebuild their life on Mars. Similarly, Vielma’s rural adaptation of this short story explores themes of migration, colonization, and human existence on planet Earth.
Featured image: Polvo I (Dust I), 2022, topsoil rubbed on fabric, 87 x 60 in.”
Reception: February 27, 2025 | 6–8 pm
4912 Main Street
Houston, 77002 TX
(713) 528-5858
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