October 19 - November 20, 2024
From Hooks-Epstein Galleries:
“The figure sculptures created by Clara Hoag reflect the complexity of life: buildings, scaffolding, and abstract shapes combine with the human form to visually describe the human body, mind, and experience. In her newest exhibition of sculptures, drawings and collages, the addition of spheres and polka dots into the work suggests a world that is both chaotic and delightful—like a ball pit. The density of these components in each piece illustrates the human condition as one of turmoil, accumulation, equilibrium, and joy. Ultimately, Hoag’s work is about finding awe and beauty in the immensity of humanity’s existence. The landscape looks fragile, but it holds; vulnerability and resilience fight, constantly seeking balance.
Clara Hoag earned a BFA in Art History and a BFA in Ceramics from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) in 2009. She earned an MFA in Ceramics from the University of Georgia (Athens) in 2013. In addition to more recent solo exhibitions at Hooks-Epstein Galleries (HEG) in 2019 and 2022, Hoag’s work has also been featured in numerous group exhibitions, locally and nationally. This year, she took part in the Texas Creatives | Summer Showcase and Kaleidoscope: Celebrating Women in Art group exhibitions at HEG, as well as a juried exhibition at Cain Gallery at Del Mar College (Corpus Christi). Hoag held artist residencies at The Archie Bray Foundation in 2021 and 2013 (Helena, MT) and the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft in 2014. She has been awarded grants from The Archie Bray Foundation, the Houston Arts Alliance, and the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (Montreal, Canada). Hoag was an Instructor at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston from 2015-2017. She is currently a Professor at Houston Community College.”
Reception: October 19, 2024 | 5–7 pm
2631 Colquitt Street
Houston, 77098 TX
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