October 9 - November 6, 2024
From San Jacinto College:
“The San Jacinto College Central Campus Art Gallery opens As the Glow Grows on October 9th featuring an ever-evolving photographic series by multi-disciplinary artist Venessa Monokian. On view through November 6th, the work reflects her interest in the introduction and spread of nonna”tive plants within the United States and their impact on our ecosystem.
Without a trained eye, it would be difficult to differentiate native from invasive plant species. The artists’ photographs provide an opportunity for close looking and learning. Black and white photographic images are enlarged to isolate the intruder vine and its innocent victim. In some instances, the artist makes careful cutouts of the plant species to promote a more sculptural effect. In both cases, the vine is either colorized or backlit with a chromatic hot pink as a toxic visual marker.
The introduction of invasive species is one of the top three reasons plants and animals go extinct. Visitors will leave the exhibition better equipped to detect a variety of invasive species and a more grounded appreciation regarding the fragility of our natural, indigenous landscape. “
Reception: October 9, 2024 | 4–8 pm
San Jacinto College Central Gallery
8060 Spencer Hwy Building Building C21-Room 163
Pasadena, 77505 Texas
(281) 998-6150 x 1749
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