February 8 - October 26, 2024
From the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum:
“The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum announces its newest exhibition Dali’s Wonderland opening, February 8 in the Bugbee Art Gallery. Originally published by Lewis Carroll in 1865, the dream-like world of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a natural match for the surrealist art movement. A hundred years later, Salvador Dali, surrealism’s most important figure, illustrated a version of the story that incorporated his iconic melting clocks and other avant-garde imagery.
Featuring a limited edition copy of the book from the personal library of Sybil B. Harrington, a gift from her daughter Sally. This book came into Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum Collection in 2022 through the help of the Harrington House and Jessica Mallard at WT. Dali’s Wonderland explores the relationship between art and literature.
Dali’s Wonderland is in partnership with the West Texas A&M University Information Technology Department. Thanks to this partnership, the exhibition will feature a virtual flipbook of Dali’s works. In the coming months, IT will also be working with to create an artificial intelligence and augment reality aspect to this exhibition.”
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
2503 4th Avenue
Canyon, 79015 TX
(806) 651-2244
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