June 14 - August 3, 2024
From Nancy Fyfe Cardozier Gallery:
“This juried exhibition focuses on works of traditional and alternative methods used in ceramics and printmaking.
The juror, Alex Gregory, has served as the Curator of Art for the Amarillo Museum of Art (AMoA) since 2014.”
Byron Ashley, Ellis Barber, Keith Buswell, Ricki Denes, James Ehlers, Alexandra Ellena, Shannon Ferguson, Hannach Fickes, Nicole Geary, Ovidio Giberga, Many Henebry, Daryl Howard, S. Christopher James, Ryan Kalentkowski, Andrew Lawson, Anita Maksimiuk, Sarah Marshall, Hunter Marze, Michael May, John McAlpine, Madeline McHugh, Joyce Miller, Ozman Romero, Liisa Salosaari Jasinki, Roxanne Sexauer, Sabrina Skinner, Beatrix Sullins, Hayun Surl, Mary Zeran
Reception: June 14, 2024 | 5–7 pm
4901 E. University Blvd.
Odessa, 79762 TX
(432) 552-3288
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