June 8 - July 13, 2024
From Janette Kennedy Gallery:
“In posing the question of what a ‘spiritual’ aesthetic would look like, Thrasher believes his work in relief is as close as he will come to seeing in life. The elements of art and design seem universally corporeal but he ponders if they still exist the more our consciousness grows to deeper understandings. If so, what do the elements of art and design say beyond the bonds and tethers of this singular understanding? Thrasher begins with an open mind. picks a color, then proceeds to set up the base rules of engagement of each piece knowing full well that those rules must also be broken. The opening reception of Shapes Happen will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 3pm-9pm with music starting at 7pm by DJ Flodstrom.
Reception: June 8, 2024 | 3–9 pm
1409 S. Lamar
Dallas, 75215 TX
(214) 426-1575
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