February 29 - April 15, 2024
From Patrick Jones Gallery:
“Patrick Jones Gallery is proud to present our next exhibition “Catharsis,” featuring two artists whose differing styles of expressionism will leave the viewer intrigued to learn more. Curated by Hutton Kalik to highlight how an artist’s interpretation of the same theme can result in dramatically opposing visual representations.
This duo show aims to question your perception of artistic style. “Catharsis” brings together two artists whose work challenges the very definition of expressionism. Noah Becker and Emma Carey Baxendale are united by their varying viewpoints of an overarching style of art. Expressionism is a subjective lens of the world by the artist, their own cathartic experience being the finished product.
The exhibition will focus on abstract expressionism and neo-expressionism. Each artist uses their raw, untapped emotion to tell a story. By releasing these specific emotions with every piece, we are left with visual chapters of experiences the artists have had. No one piece is the same, however, each invokes a similar response in the viewer. The work brings you through the mind of the artist, so anyone can experience as closely as possible what the artist is experiencing when creating.”
Reception: February 29, 2024 | 6–9 pm
1400 Hi Line Dr, Ste 122, Dallas, TX 75207
Dallas, 75207 Texas
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