July 20 - 24, 2021
An ongoing group exhibition from Northern-Southern.
From the gallery:
“For the remainder of the COVID pandemic, Northern–Southern gallery will become the site of an ever-evolving installation by a series of artists working in turn. An artist will be given a key to the space, a baton. With it they may take their turn installing artwork in the gallery. An artist finishes their turn when they pass the key. The next artist will then have the run of the space. They will confront the work of the previous artists as the leave-behinds of a prior civilization: to honor, remove, build around, relocate, or cover up as they decide. Progress will be documented as it happens, and shared via web and social media. Some work will be made available for sale. The show will end when the COVID pandemic recedes allowing a closing party. Baton begins on the new moon of July 20, 2020 with Rachel Freeman and Phillip Niemeyer hanging each other’s work. Freeman also drew the BATON logo. Warming up: Stella Alesi, Brad Tucker, Emily Lee, Ryan Sandison Montgomery, and others to be announced.”
1900-B East 12th Street
Austin, 78723 TX
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